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Showing posts from 2017

NEW Star Stable Silver Mistfox

Want to see what the new Silver Mistfox looks like? Read on! By talking to some of you, I know how upset you are about the addition of the Silver Mistfox, especially right after a double star coins weekend. Here's the post from Star Stable: Well, I'm going to/am already in financial hell, because I went ahead and purchased the cheapest package at $65. I'm really hoping I get my adsense payment sometime soon, because I put this on credit. 😬 (Speaking of which, if any of my posts helped you, please consider donating or simply clicking on my ads. I have altered the settings and I moderate the ads well. I have made sure they are all safe for the Now that that's out of the way, here's my new Silver Mistfox! Sorry, it was late at night so the photos are dark. I will be taking more screenshots as the day goes by and adding them to this post as I do. Thanks for reading and Happy Trails! ~*Veronika Starstorm*~...

A Spirited Quest - Let's Talk About SPIRIT!

It seems as though I somehow managed to not dedicate a post to this, despite it taking quite a bit of work and dedication. I got SPIRIT! Even though I worked hard for it (and I know I won't be using him much) it felt like I WON something rather than earned it. Spirit is SO cool! I watched the first movie with my little sisters when it came out and it still sticks with me. Some basics about Spirit, told in photos: Welcome Spirit! How to make Spirit yours! Spirit basic stats Miradero Apple tooltip All of this info is available from Tori and ... uh what's her name, that vendor who stands next to her. (I'll check next time I log in.) Those are the basics. Everything you need to get started is available right there, in Fort Pinta. HOWEVER, you'll probably need a lot more help than that to actually win Spirit over. That's where this post comes into play. I'm adding a chart with a schedule and a few different links to help point ...

My New Beautiful Haflinger, Spirited Reputation, and New Arabians [and their Too-Long Legs]!!!

Yesterday evening was the day my Haflinger foal in the Star Stable Horses app leveled to 10, so of course I bought it immediately. (I had extra star coins lying around since I had been offline for so long.) After much deliberation, I finally decided to name her Snowdawn, as in a snowy dawn in which the sun spreads hues of rose and gold as it ascends to its pinnacle. OF. Photo by Tim She's so beautiful! I chose the middle shade of available Haflinger colors. It looks like she was laying in snow, because her belly and legs have white on them, plus she has a pink diamond on her nose! (I think that's called a snip.)  photos uploaded taken as screenshots from the app I was going to see about purchasing new gear for her, but I may end up sticking with what I have her in right now. She's wearing the light pink set including leg wraps. I wanted to buy the cerise set available in New Hillcrest, but I looked at it on her and it's not as magnificent as I ha...

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Hey #Starfam, I need some advice. I've made a thread on about this and so far, three people have voted on my poll. Please check it out and vote, too! My dilemma: As many of you know, I'm on the server Spring Star. It's an Eastern European server and has mainly people who either do not speak English or know it as their secondary language. The chat is filled with people speaking either Swedish or Finnish, and I don't know what's being said most of the time. The only times I see someone speaking English, usually they are trolling (see forum post for more info on that). I was offered the opportunity to transfer servers properly, through the help of Star Stable support staff. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I cannot go back, undo it, or switch anywhere else if I don't like it. My options are Cupcake Valley, Unicorn Forest, or Candy Cove. I believe Cupcake Valley to be the most populated server. I have seen some online chatter that there ...

I'm Back... on Spring Star... For Now

So, Star Stable tech support finally got in touch with me and told me that I shouldn't have tried to transfer to a different region and that was the cause of the problem. She said she was able to put me back where I belong, where I came from, which is Spring Star, a Swedish and Finnish EU server. I responded gratefully, but also added that my only options when transferring through the website were to US servers (probably because I live in the US) and that it had changed me back to my old account at level 4, and that I wanted to switch servers so I could talk to people who I could understand and vice versa. Well... no response yet, but maybe if I wait another month... So now I'm back to playing again, and I'm leveling up a Haflinger in the app game Horses, while also working on reputation with Spirit. Is it true that, to put it bluntly, he's the most useless horse in the game? I examined his stats and it shows that at level 15 he only has 4 total level attributes, whe...

Haflinger Foals on the Star Stable App and an Update on My Predicament

While I'm waiting for my account to be set right, I'm leveling another foal on the Star Stable Horses app. This time I chose a Haflinger, and I think it's going to be super cute! I'm thinking Honeymane maybe? Who knows, I'll probably make yet another long list of names and have trouble deciding once again... I think the grown up version of this foal with be soooo pretty. (I've logged into my account and gotten into Star Stable a few times, to check to see if they have fixed it yet. I'm level 4, I have thousands of star coins but no horses of my own, and I'm still a lifetime star rider. I have no idea how/if/when they're going to fix this, but I'm really worried. I spent a TON of time leveling to... what am I now? 19? Plus all my horses... Well actually, I have some mixed feelings about that. The only ones I'd be super upset about are the limited time Jorvik Wild Horses, because honestly a lot of the horses I've purchased have been...

Server transfer woes... Oh noes!!!

So... today I finally decided to bite the bullet and switch servers. It's been over a year since my sisters came online, and I've finally come to the conclusion that they're done with the game. I've been wanting to switch servers for a long time. The one I'm one, Spring Star, is now a Swedish server, and there are very few English-speaking people on it. It's very difficult to communicate with people who don't speak the same language as you, especially when some things rely on communication. For example, we couldn't tell each other where the rainbow spawned during the St. Patrick's Day event. Whenever I am looking for a group, or friends, or anything, I cannot find anyone who speaks English. It's become very frustrating. So... I switched. I finally decided on Wind Star (it was either that or Night Star) and I was so psyched to check out the new server. I logged in and... I was back to my old level 4 self, the one I had initially transferred to ...

A Fully-Grown Foal - Level 10 Mustang from Star Stable Horse App

I'm finally close to purchasing my level 10 Mustang, that I raised from a foal, through the StarStable app. He's level 9 right now, and I haven't done my daily chores yet because, while I want to purchase him, I still haven't decided on the right name. I love that they let you change the horse's name up until the moment you purchase it, but now I have too many options! My initial choice was Wildfeather but now I've come up with a long list of names to contend with it. (Oh btw I chose the "mouse grey" pinto Mustang.) The other options that are tied with it now are: Spiritecho Timelord Smokedream Lightrebel Powerplay I like the ones that have definite meanings, but I like some obscure ones as well. These are totally out of order but it's the order I thought it in: I like Lightrebel because it makes me think of  Star Wars and being a rebel Jedi using the light side of the Force. I like Spiritecho because it's catchy and makes me thin...

New Horses and Some Regret

A few logins ago, I bought two new horses with some excess star coins. The first was the gray Lipizzan. The second was the speckled Mustang. (Yes, I'm sure there's a real word for that, but I don't know what it is. It looks sorta like an Appaloosa but it's a Mustang so...) Meet Silverwings! He's obviously not impressed with Chaun's antics. Give me the rainbow "pet" already!!! I've leveled both only slightly but now that the app to raise your own baby horse in Star Stable is out, I sorta regret buying Meteorsmash. I'm going to raise the pinto Mustang, which is prettier than but similar in color to the horse I have now. I like the way the next horse, which is currently a foal, looks more. I've tentatively named my foal Wildfeather, but I really like that I can change it whenever I'd like. What do you think of the name? I was also thinking of like Cloudflyer or maybe Spiritfeather or Skyfeather. I like feather for this one, be...

Jorvik Wild Horses are here... and I love them!

Jorvik Wild Horses, along with Gary Goldtooth, are back and bigger and better than ever! From the Star Stable website : How awesome are they?!!?! Just as with the ones last year, these magically transform when you get into a magic, natural area. This is the green version, which is quite pretty as well. The text in the purchase menu reads: " Around Jorvik's less accessible spots, herds of free-roaming Jorvik Wild Horses can be found. This breed is thought to be particularly special owing to the vibrant colours and patterns on the horses' body and hair. Colours such as blue, red, green, purple and orange aren't unusual, and even the horses' eyes can be unusually coloured in violet, red or clear blue. The horse is believed to have emerged in symbiosis with the Pandoric energy flows, which is said to explain their unique colourings. Many also believe the horses to have certain magical abilities. Jorvik Wild Horses are usually a little shorter...