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Easter - Golden Eggs in Jarlaheim - Harvest Counties

I believe I've found all the golden eggs in Jarlaheim.  Here are their locations, by screenshot and in order that I found them.

1) In Jarlaheim city - located in the second tier, behind the veterinarian and the dirty pets.

2) At Jorvik Stables, behind Herman's house

3) On Paddock Island, top level, behind the house

4) At Wolf's Hall Inn, right as you cross over the bridge, to the left side

5) By Unfortunate Dew's Farm (all the way up and around the path where no one goes) to the side of the stable

And that, my fifth egg, contained this:

Unfortunately I occasionally forget to hit Ctrl+A before Ctrl+V and end up having to crop out parts of my screenshots because MS Paint leaves behind the old image, creating a stacking photo montage that would be interesting if I weren't trying to do this!

Anyways, that's all I've found so far in Jarlaheim and I believe that's all there is there.

When I checked I didn't see any egg hunts in the entire Harvest Counties, but I'll check again to be sure.  The egg hunt quests DO NOT show up on the map or the minimap - with the exception of the very first three, in Silverglade Village, Landon's, and Fort Pinta - all the rest must be searched for manually by looking for one of the main characters of each designated area.  You will see a yellow exclamation mark that denotes a quest over their heads, but NOT on your maps.  /sadface

Anyways, more to come soon - thanks for reading and happy trails!

(Edit below:)

I found my final egg, for both Harvest Counties and for the entire map (woot!) near Seahorse Point, in the little farm that's been overrun by GED employees.  It was just sitting in the middle of the flower field.

Yay!  Now I just have to finish formatting the blogs to make it so you guys can find what you need.  Whew, I sure hope that's easier than it sounds to me right now.  

Thanks for reading and happy trails!

{I love comments; share your thoughts!}


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for reading, I'm glad I was able to help!

  2. is there an egg in valedale lake?

    1. Hi Princess, there is a golden egg near Valedale Lake. If you go to my homepage and scroll down a tiny bit there should be a post about golden eggs in Moorland, Valedale, etc. I'll see if I can find the link ... found it!:

  3. Me and my friend were Golden Egg hunting (but we call them the Evil Eggs...) and sometimes she would find an egg I couldn't see, and I would find an egg nearby that she couldn't see.
    Help? :(

    1. There is a theory that the eggs show up in slightly different places for different people. Sometimes your eggs will be in the same spot as mine were, sometimes they will be close, but not exactly the same coords. I helped my sister find eggs and her's were also close but not exact.

  4. :) thx so much! I would have never found any if not for you >.< :D Btw they might have updated and took away and added more eggs. The one behind hermans house isnt there anymoreeeeee... thx anyhoo!

    1. I'm glad I was able to help! Did you get the message that you had found them all? If not, the "Herman's House egg" might be somewhere near the arena (where Ferdinand's Horse Market) is rather than in the exact location I showed. They may be slightly different for each person. <3

  5. Jeg kan simpelt hen ikke finde min første henne ved vinbyen, har du et screenshot?

    1. Hi Mette, this is what I translated your comment to mean "I simply can not find my first over by the wine town, you have a screenshot?" By the wine town meaning Silverglade Village? I'll see what I can find for you. .... If you scroll down, the nearest one to Silverglade is the one at Marley's farm, which I found near the paddock, by the road. I'll try to translate this post for you... I don't know if this makes sense in Danish, but this is what Google Translate said: "Ved vinby betyder Silverglade Village? Jeg vil se hvad jeg kan finde til dig. .... Http:// Hvis du ruller ned, den nærmeste til Silverglade er den ene på Marleys gård, som jeg fundet nær folden, ved vejen. Jeg vil prøve at oversætte dette indlæg til dig"

  6. I thought there was eleven golden eggs ?

  7. I believe the total is twelve. See my other posts for the other ones in different locations. I made a blog post as I worked around the map, so there's one for Harvest Counties/Jarlaheim (this one) one for the regular map (ie. Moorland, Silverglade) and one for Golden Hills Valley.

  8. Hej igen, jeg kan simpelthen ikke finde det, det er nok det sidste guld æg jeg mangler, for jeg har fundet de andre.

    1. Hi Mette, you can message me on Facebook "Veronika Starstorm of SSO Etc" or "Veronika Starstorm" and we can try to talk about it.
      I'm not sure which egg you are missing exactly, if it is the Marley one or if it is another one. Were you referring to Silverglade Village or Vineyard, because there is no egg at the Vineyard. Are you high enough level to go to Golden Hills Valley? There is an egg there and if you're not allowed in GHV then you could be missing that one, as well.
      "Jeg er ikke sikker på, hvilke æg du mangler præcis, hvis det er det Marley ene eller hvis det er en anden. Var du henvise til Silverglade Village eller Vineyard, fordi der ikke er æg på vingården. Er du højt nok niveau til at gå til Golden Hills Valley? Der er et æg der, og hvis du ikke er tilladt i GHV så kunne du blive savnet, at man, så godt." - Google Translate

      I'll try to find links to my Facebook pages to link them here for you, too.

      Does that help?

      Betyder det hjælpe?

      {Using Google Translate)


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