Yesterday evening was the day my Haflinger foal in the Star Stable Horses app leveled to 10, so of course I bought it immediately. (I had extra star coins lying around since I had been offline for so long.) After much deliberation, I finally decided to name her Snowdawn, as in a snowy dawn in which the sun spreads hues of rose and gold as it ascends to its pinnacle. OF. Photo by Tim She's so beautiful! I chose the middle shade of available Haflinger colors. It looks like she was laying in snow, because her belly and legs have white on them, plus she has a pink diamond on her nose! (I think that's called a snip.) photos uploaded taken as screenshots from the app I was going to see about purchasing new gear for her, but I may end up sticking with what I have her in right now. She's wearing the light pink set including leg wraps. I wanted to buy the cerise set available in New Hillcrest, but I looked at it on her and it's not as magnificent as I ha...
Veronika Starstorm's musings and helpful pointers on the world of Star Stable Online