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Showing posts from 2015

Epona is Coming!

Recently Star Stable announced the addition of a new zone, Epona. Here are screenshots of their news post about it. It looks super cute and I'm very excited for some real content updates (long awaited, I might add). I rode to The Harvest Counties and went to the boundaries of where Epona will be. From these photos you can just barely see what lies beyond the fence. I can't wait for more quests to do!  (Finally!) What about Epona makes you excited?

Halloween Again!

Today's update brought us the holiday event for Halloween, including a new quest chain and the return of the gift-bearing ghosts. The quest chain begins and ends at the Smuggler's Den near Cape West Fishing Village. Today is also the day I decided to buy another new horse, the silver Morgan. I named her Silverpearl. This is me wearing my quest reward from the new quest while riding Silverpearl.  (I also got my hair restyled so now it's long and black.) I went to the mall to try to decide what kind of gear to get to best highlight Silverpearl's coloring, as my current gear was tailored for Starbeam, and found many more things to spend star coins on.  Unfortunately it will be many weeks before I'm done with a new gear set for Silverpearl, but I think I've decided on the gray and turquoise pieces.  I'm not sure which new clothes to get myself, but I really like the new Antique Indian Dress I got as a quest reward from the Halloween q...

Possibly the Worst Quest Ever...?

I just finished the snake quest with Freja at Sunfield Farm.  (I know, I'm a bit behind.) First, as a heads up, I will be discussing the quest line and its contents, so it may be a spoiler to those who have not yet completed it. You've been forewarned... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I thought the premise of the quest was kinda cute, but on the second day I found the quest content annoying and maddening.  I realize they had to play this little story through, but seriously, it was so obvious that Freja had been bitten by a poisonous snake (it's called a Cliff COBRA) and that we, as the "responsible" person, should have realized immediately that she needed medical attention. Then, the kicker was when she had us race back to the farm - without her!  We already knew she had been bitten by a snake and wasn't feeling well, so why would we have let her run off on her own? When you make it back to the farm, you talk to her mot...

New Morgans and More

Today I logged in for the first time in what feels like forever (but must not have been that long, because I only gained 400 SC in my absence).  I had checked the News  page and wanted to see the new Morgans.  I was not disappointed.  They're gorgeous! Here are some screenshots. While they are similar in appearance to the AQHs, they do not have the same animations for their movements. I absolutely love the one that almost looks like an Akhal-Teke, with very fair palomino-esque coloring.  I think I'm going to buy one and name her something with a Star in it. Also, make sure you check out the new quests from Tim, but look out for that race, as it sure is tricky! Thanks for reading and Happy Trails! ~*Veronika Starstorm*~

More New Paint Horses

This Wednesday update brings with it three new beautiful American Paint Horses, two of which are actually Appaloosas. If I had to pick one, it would be hard to choose between the black and dark brown Appaloosas. Good luck picking just one! Thanks for reading, and Happy Trails!

More Photos of New American Paint Horses!

I took a bunch more screenshots of the new American Paint Horses. I think I'm going to pick this one when I can afford it. Here's another one being ridden by another very stylish rider. Here's the black one, it has a pinkish nose and blue eyes! The chestnut one is gorgeous, too. I wish it had more color on its rear though, I'm not usually a fan of pure white behinds on horses. I guess this makes it an easier decision to go with the first one.  Now I just need to come up with $13.99 to spend on 500 star coins or wait a whopping five weeks to be able to buy him! /sigh At least that gives me plenty of time to come up with a name. Let me know which horse is your favorite in the comments. Thanks for reading and Happy Trails!

New American Paint Horses

With the Wednesday update, there are three new American Paint Horses for sale at Marley's farm, and cost 890 star coins each.  They are lined up at a new hitching post near the center. For some strange reason, the vendor from the booth at Marley's Farm has relocated and is now standing inside of one of the horses! This makes it pretty tricky to click the symbol over the horse to buy it! Here are the other screenshots I've gathered so far... Sorry I don't have time for a longer post, I'm off to the doctor's. Thanks for reading and Happy Trails!

New American Paint Horses Preview - They Come Out Tomorrow!

Today, Star Stable released a video previewing three new horses.  They're American Paint Horses and use the American Quarter Horse body and animations.  They've stated that these are special Paint Horses because they don't just have the same patterns repeated on each side - they're uniquely colored just like real horses. I can't wait to see this one: but I can't decide if I like it more than the blue roan Quarter Horse I have now (Thundercloud) What do you think?  Do you like the new Paint Horses?  Of the two, which would you choose? Over the weekend there was a code for free star coins, but it expired yesterday and I missed it.  I'm pretty bummed because those coins, plus the coins I spent to rename this horse, would have come quite close to buying the new horses when they come out tomorrow.  I'm betting they'll be 890 star coins, just like the Quarter Horses.

Easter Treat: New American Quarter Horses available in the Wednesday Update, April 8, 2015 and FREE STAR COINS

Today's update brought with it an entirely new kind of horse, the American Quarter Horse.  This breed has its own animations, blinks its eyes, moves its ears, and even grazes when idle. There are three colors that have been released so far, and all three cost 890 star coins. The palomino is available at Firgrove. The black is available at Marley's Farm. The brown is at Fort Pinta. I haven't decided whether I'm going to buy either the black or the palomino, or if I should wait until they release either a blue roan or a gray American Quarter Horse. What do y'all think?  Have you decided and purchased one yet, or are you saving your coins for the next big thing? Some people have mentioned that the canter animation is a bit off, but I haven't ridden one yet so I can't say.  What do you think? Thanks for reading and Happy Trails! ~*Veronika Starstorm*~ ps: There was a code for 200 free star coins: EASTER200SC pps: I got thi...

Valentine's Day Letters Quest Help - 2015

The line of quests started by Derek in Silverglade Village didn't change much this year, but here is a comprehensive post outlining where I found all of my letters this year. Here are screenshots to show you what you will see on your screen as you near and leave an area with a Valentine's Day letter. This is the first letter, near Silverglade Castle.  Just like last year, I had to go around the hills behind the castle to find it. The rest of these are out of order number-wise but should still give you a good idea of where to look. This one was on Moorland Beach, near the path that leads down towards the fisherman. This one was near Nilmer's Highland, in the area with the trees and brush. This was the hardest to find for me.  It was in Valedale and not anywhere near where I thought it would be.  I had to venture down the beach path to find it. This one was near the Pony Championship person, on the road to Fort Pinta. This was in F...