While I'm waiting for my account to be set right, I'm leveling another foal on the Star Stable Horses app. This time I chose a Haflinger, and I think it's going to be super cute! I'm thinking Honeymane maybe? Who knows, I'll probably make yet another long list of names and have trouble deciding once again... I think the grown up version of this foal with be soooo pretty. (I've logged into my account and gotten into Star Stable a few times, to check to see if they have fixed it yet. I'm level 4, I have thousands of star coins but no horses of my own, and I'm still a lifetime star rider. I have no idea how/if/when they're going to fix this, but I'm really worried. I spent a TON of time leveling to... what am I now? 19? Plus all my horses... Well actually, I have some mixed feelings about that. The only ones I'd be super upset about are the limited time Jorvik Wild Horses, because honestly a lot of the horses I've purchased have been...
Veronika Starstorm's musings and helpful pointers on the world of Star Stable Online