I'm finally close to purchasing my level 10 Mustang, that I raised from a foal, through the StarStable app. He's level 9 right now, and I haven't done my daily chores yet because, while I want to purchase him, I still haven't decided on the right name. I love that they let you change the horse's name up until the moment you purchase it, but now I have too many options! My initial choice was Wildfeather but now I've come up with a long list of names to contend with it. (Oh btw I chose the "mouse grey" pinto Mustang.) The other options that are tied with it now are: Spiritecho Timelord Smokedream Lightrebel Powerplay I like the ones that have definite meanings, but I like some obscure ones as well. These are totally out of order but it's the order I thought it in: I like Lightrebel because it makes me think of Star Wars and being a rebel Jedi using the light side of the Force. I like Spiritecho because it's catchy and makes me thin...
Veronika Starstorm's musings and helpful pointers on the world of Star Stable Online