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Showing posts from December, 2014

Kallters and Fjords in Dino Valley!

Guess what, guys?  Today is the day!  I bought a Fjord! For those keeping track, today marks 2 weeks since I opened up Dino Valley (The Valley of the Hidden Dinosaur).  In that time, I've come to know the Kallters, and, even though I missed a few days of dailies, was able to complete my reputation with them today.  Purchasing a Fjord horse requires the second level of reputation, Popular. Introducing Frostwarrior!  Here are some pictures of his cutie patootie: Every Fjord comes with its own set of tack, and once you've achieved the level of rep required to purchase one, you are able to purchase the set of gear that goes with it. The hairstyle shown here was purchased after buying Frostwarrior.  You can even give them long hairstyles!  I believe he cost 780 Star Coins and his hairstyle cost 19. After heading back to my home stable and taking him with me, I came back to the Valley to finish my quests and restored Frank[enstein] to Frank ...

Screenies Galore - Happy Holidays - Christmas Preparations and Nordic Traditions - and Let Us Not Forget Berzelius

Yesterday I got to meet Berzelius the Engineer and her pooch Swedenborg and might I say, Star Stable, I am impressed.  You managed to create a smart, attractive character with gray in her hair, a female engineer, someone who is at least partially complex, which is more than I can say for some of the other characters I've run into recently. She looks so fancy astride my sweetie, Snowangel This is her informing us that she's too overqualified for the menial junk Prof. Einstein insists of her I'm a fan of a page on Facebook called Mighty Girls, and it's all about empowering female youth to understand their potential and this character gives me hope.  Granted, this game is already rather female-centric, but many of the characters are lacking any sort of complexity.  Add to that the fact that during the first quest, the text initially led me to believe she was a male character - with a strange name, etc - that finding out she was a cutie was a pleasa...

One Week Later: Liked with the Kallters

Last week, I spent star coins one night to make a day pass in-game so I could complete extra quests in a day, so it's probably technically a week and a day, but today I got my reputation with the Kallters up to Liked.  I was rather excited because according to the players who answered my question, it takes about a week to get your rep up high enough with them to buy the Fjords.  Well, that's just not true.  I've played every day for a week [and a day?] and have just now opened up their clothing and gear vendor, but no Fjords are to be seen or purchased yet. If anyone does know what reputation level you have to be with the Kallters to buy a Fjord, or how many days it took to get to that reputation level, I'd really appreciate it if you could share that information here.  I'm now guessing that you have to have your rep up to maximum level, but I have no confirmation of that. I'm slightly upset, as so many people responded saying one week that I thought there h...

The Elusive Kallters

It took about 3 days of questing, doing all available quests, for the Kallters to show up in their special spot, as shown here. Note the map in the image for a more detailed view of where they are located, which is outside the giant door up the 'Hidden Road'. It will, unfortunately, take a long time to get my rep up enough with them to be able to buy a Fjord horse, but there are many days of dailies required by the other quest givers in the zone (Nic and Prof. Einstein) so hopefully the time won't feel terribly dreadful. If you have any calculations or notations regarding the rep grind, how long it takes, or have any tips for those of us who have not yet done it, please comment below. Happy Trails... {Edited to add:} The Kallters have you pick up a few different kinds of items that can be turned in for reputation. This is what an item looks like when you come upon one.

Exposing the Valley of the Hidden Dinosaur

I've been very lax in catching up to everyone else as far as story quests and exploration goes, and now that they've released the new Fjord horses, I figured I'd log on and see how far I could get.  I had not yet done any of the quests to open the Valley, and quested until I couldn't anymore in a day. The quest chain begins with Elizabeth in Valedale, who asks you to check the pass and see if any of the snow has melted.  She has asked you to do this before, but this time - TA DA! - the snow has melted and there is a pass open to the Valley of the Hidden Dinosaur.  I'm sure many of you have already completed these quests, as you have probably been much more active in the game than I. Do take note, though, if you haven't done the quests yet, you will not be able to purchase a Fjord horse for awhile - several days, if not longer - due to the NPCs and reputation not being available until you complete certain quests. The first 'new' NPC you encounter is ...