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Showing posts from March, 2014

Ferdinand's Horse Market - New Horses with Pictures!

This recent update brought us Ferdinand's Horse Market - which fills up the empty arena near Jorvik Stables.  Ferdinand and his wife Eddie have three beautiful horses for sale, all using the Friesian/Andalusian model, without feathered hooves. Each costs 890 Star Coins and has the same stats: 3 Strength, 2 Discipline, and 2  Agility (+0 to Swiftness and Endurance). I'm really liking these horse models.  I told myself my next horse would be a palamino Andalusian if they made one, but I think my favorite is the one in the middle, an almost blue roan Friesian Sport Horse. The Friesian Sport Horse is a new breed and this is what it says about them: In case you can't read it, it says: "The Friesian horse have long been cross-bred with other breeds, English and Arabian horses in particular.  Over time a unique breed developed, the Friesian Sport Horse.  These have the long wavy mane and tail of the Friesian, and a calm and easy temperament.  They com...