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Showing posts from January, 2014

Daily Recap

So I did eventually head over to Paddock Island to find the new pony, as I was trying to help my little sister find it.  Here are some screenshots. It's totally adorable, but I still prefer the Arabian. A final, parting, shot of him: I think it will be a long time before I can budget another star coins purchase, especially now that the double-sale is over.  It just seems ridiculous to spend twice as much as I just did this past weekend, so close in proximity, for the same amount of star coins.  If you feel like donating to help me get this horse, feel free to do so.   Here 's the link to my donation page, which goes to PayPal.   Thanks for reading, and happy trails!

A Day of Surprises

So, I was passing through Steve's farm when I noticed what appeared to be an Appaloosa Arabian.  I did a double-take.  Hmm, new horses?  I pulled up the News section of Star Stable's website and saw that they had, indeed, released two new Arabians and one new pony.  Personally, I prefer this one: As is apparent from the large crowds surrounding him, everyone else does, too! He costs 910 SC and is located at Firgrove. I didn't think I'd want an Arabian, but I think I'd like this one. I'll have to make my way back to Fort Pinta to find the other Arabian to get some close-up screenshots of it.   I made my way over to Fort Pinta to get some shots of the other Arabian: Its price is also 910 SC. The new pony is located at Paddock Island. Other new additions today include a girth strap (previously there was none, as the saddle just seemed to sit just right without anything holding it in place!) and a shirt to celebrate surviving the updat...

A.A.E and Mario of the Observatory 'Stars Over the Field' Daily Quest Star Stone Locations - Tuesday

For those of us who have trouble memorizing in-game locations after viewing vague imagery for only a few seconds, I've created this guide to the 'Stars Over the Field' daily quest given by Mario at the Observatory for A.A.E. reputation. Each day has a different set of three locations for the stars that have fallen. This is Tuesday's set: Star Stone 1 (as viewed from the telescope) (as viewed close up) Star Stone 2 (from telescope) (close-up) Star Stone 3 (from telescope) (close-up) I'm going to try to compile all of my locations into one post and will have that as a link on the side, hopefully soon. Thanks for reading and happy trails! 

New Horse: Autumnrain!

Due to the recent sale of star coins (2 for 1 this weekend) I was able to purchase my newest beauty, Autumnrain. Here are some screenshots of us: In addition to getting a new set of gear to match my ideal color scheme for Autumn, I also purchased a new set of clothing, including hairstyle. (I pre-planned my purchases using this site: ) It's definitely a much less flashy look, but that doesn't make it less pretty! I'm also going to make an update with Mario's dailies today and the locations of the star stones for Tuesday, and will try to organize the links on the side with the daily locations. Thanks for reading and happy trails!

Wednesday Update and More

As I'm sure many of you already know, today Star Stable is releasing an update that includes some new clothing styles.  The image for the announcement includes two models wearing hairstyles that appear new as well, including one that is both pink and purple, yet nowhere in the announcement does it say anything about new hairstyles, and according to one Facebook comment, these are not available. I wasn't psyched about any of the clothes, but I took one look at that hairstyle and said "yes!" because it was, in my opinion, quite fitting with my character.  To have my hopes raised like that only to be informed that it was a false alarm is not very fun. Also, the server is currently down which is also quite sad.  Hopefully Star Stable realizes that it's not fair to advertise those hairstyles when they're not actually available. I've been planning on changing my hair to red to match my future chestnut horse, ...

Planning Outfits and More

So I found a great resource through - Maggie Oldcamp linked this site:   It has a database that allows you to search through existing gear, accessories, clothing, and hairstyles, previewing each and comparing stats. Using this, I've been spending time trying to plan ahead on what I will buy and wear when I get enough Star Coins.  I'm trying to find a delicate balance between style, color coordination, and manageable stats. I'm not going to obsess over riding/speed stats, especially when I find that having a good balance of discipline/command has to take place so as not to be overburdened by speed with no control over your horse.  I'm just trying to find a nice, balanced set that I find attractive. The horse will be the chestnut Andalusian, and I'm looking for gear and clothing with browns and greens. I'll be dying my character's hair red and cutting it to match, as well. I may so...

Loke and Isolde Help and New Arabian Horses!

Over the weekend I played a lot more Star Stable than I thought I would.  l did the Isolde and Loke quest chain in one day, with the exception of the part that requires an overnight to progress, which I finished the next day.  If anyone is having any problems locating the second ladder to the treehouse, I have a tip and a screenshot for you. This screenshot shows the location on the map and what the area surrounding it looks like. Finding the treehouse itself was rather difficult for me, as there's a point where you can't see the next white flower and you have to bumble about rather blindly.  Needless to say, I'm not too fond of that wooded area, with its lack of paths and the need to guess where to go. I've been playing a lot more frequently, in part because my sister has been too, and she asks me to play with her.  I don't get to talk to her very often, and I haven't seen her in years, because she lives in Ireland and I live in the US. I...