HEY you, yes YOU! This list is out of date. To see the updated list with
all the newest options, click here:
https://ssoetc.blogspot.com/p/choose-name-for-your-horse-in-star.html Thanks!
I've added the new name options available as of today, 6/21/2019.
Configuring columns in HTML for Blogger is hard and this took me a long time.
If this list helped you, please consider donating through PayPal https://www.paypal.me/verajart.
Comment with your name requests or ideas!
Prefixes | Suffixes |
Ace | ace |
Air | angel |
Amethyst | anthem |
Angel | aura |
Anti | beam |
Apple | bean |
Arctic | beat |
Ash | beauty |
Autumn | bee |
Baby | belle |
Bat | berry |
Berry | bird |
Big | biscuit |
Bird | blaze |
Blind | blood |
Blue | blossom |
Bold | bolt |
Bow | born |
Brave | bow |
Bright | boy |
Brilliant | breeze |
Bullet | brother |
Bumble | buddy |
Butter | bullet |
Cake | cake |
Candy | candy |
Caramel | caramel |
Carrot | caster |
Cat | champion |
Chance | chance |
Chaos | charm |
Charm | chaser |
Cherry | cherry |
Chip | chief |
Chocolate | child |
Chunky | chip |
Cinder | chunk |
Cinnamon | clash |
Clash | cloud |
Classy | clover |
Clever | comet |
Cloud | cookie |
Clover | crasher |
Coco | crescent |
Coffee | crown |
Cold | crush |
Cookie | cry |
Cool | crystal |
Copper | cup |
Coral | dale |
Crazy | dancer |
Crescent | dare |
Crimson | darling |
Crown | dash |
Crystal | dawn |
Cute | desire |
Daisy | destiny |
Danger | dew |
Dark | diamond |
Dash | disco |
Dawn | dollar |
Day | dove |
Desert | dragon |
Dew | dream |
Diamond | dreamer |
Disco | drop |
Dizzy | dusk |
Dog | dust |
Dollar | eagle |
Dragon | echo |
Dream | effect |
Drop | escape |
Dusk | faith |
Dusty | fall |
East | father |
Echo | fax |
Ember | feather |
Emerald | fighter |
Evening | fire |
Ever | flame |
Extra | flash |
Faith | flower |
Fancy | fly |
Far | flyer |
Fast | force |
Fern | fortune |
Fire | free |
Flame | friend |
Flash | frost |
Flower | galaxy |
Flutter | gaze |
Fly | gazer |
Fortune | ghost |
Fox | gift |
Frog | girl |
Frost | glimmer |
Galaxy | glory |
Ghost | guardian |
Giga | harmony |
Ginger | hawk |
Glitter | hazel |
Glory | heart |
Gold | hero |
Grand | hill |
Grass | hollow |
Gray | honey |
Great | hoof |
Green | hope |
Grim | horse |
Guardian | hunter |
Hawk | hurricane |
Hay | ice |
Heavy | jewel |
Hero | joy |
Hill | jumper |
Hollow | keeper |
Holly | kid |
Honey | king |
Hot | kiss |
Ice | knight |
Iron | lady |
Jade | leaf |
Jelly | light |
Jewel | lily |
Lady | lime |
Lemon | lion |
Light | lord |
Lime | love |
Lion | lucky |
Little | madness |
Lost | magic |
Love | mane |
Lucky | maniac |
Luna | mask |
Marble | master |
Mega | meadow |
Melody | melody |
Meteor | mint |
Midnight | mirror |
Mini | mist |
Mint | monster |
Miracle | moon |
Mirror | mother |
Mist | mountain |
Money | mystery |
Moon | ninja |
Morning | nova |
Mouse | ocean |
Night | orange |
Ninja | orb |
Noble | peak |
North | pearl |
Obsidian | pepper |
Ocean | petal |
Old | phantom |
Onyx | pie |
Opal | pirate |
Orange | pixel |
Pale | play |
Party | pop |
Peace | potential |
Peach | power |
Pearl | prince |
Pepper | princess |
Phantom | promise |
Pie | pumpkin |
Pink | queen |
Pirate | rabbit |
Pixel | racer |
Pop | rain |
Posh | rainbow |
Potato | rambler |
Power | raspberry |
Pumpkin | rebel |
Quick | rich |
Rain | rider |
Rainbow | river |
Raspberry | rocket |
Raven | rose |
Red | royal |
Rich | ruby |
River | runner |
Rock | scout |
Rose | secret |
Royal | shade |
Ruby | shadow |
Rune | shine |
Sad | shout |
Saddle | shy |
Sand | singer |
Sapphire | sister |
Scarlet | smash |
Scary | snap |
Sea | solid |
Shade | solo |
Shadow | song |
Shark | soul |
Sienna | spark |
Silent | sparkle |
Silver | spell |
Sky | spice |
Small | spider |
Smoke | spirit |
Snake | splash |
Snow | spot |
Solid | star |
Solo | stone |
South | storm |
Space | strawberry |
Spark | surfer |
Sparkle | surprise |
Spell | tail |
Spider | tea |
Spirit | tear |
Sporty | time |
Spotlight | top |
Spring | torch |
Star | tornado |
Stone | trouble |
Storm | twilight |
Strawberry | twin |
Sugar | vanilla |
Summer | velvet |
Sun | walker |
Sunny | warrior |
Super | watcher |
Swamp | water |
Sweet | way |
Thorn | weaver |
Thunder | whisper |
Tiger | willow |
Time | wind |
Tiny | wings |
Trail | wink |
Trouble | winner |
Tuxedo | wish |
Twilight | witch |
Twin | |
Twinkle | |
Ultra | |
Vanilla | |
Violet | |
Walrus | |
Water | |
West | |
Wild | |
Wind | |
Winter | |
Wish | |
Witch | |
Wolf | |
Wonder |
I've added the new name options available as of today, 6/21/2019.
Configuring columns in HTML for Blogger is hard and this took me a long time.
If this list helped you, please consider donating through PayPal https://www.paypal.me/verajart.
Comment with your name requests or ideas!
This helped alot instead of scrolling and i could easily just look at it and suggest names for my friends
ReplyDeleteHey there! I'm glad this helped you out. I make lots of lists of name options for each horse I buy before I finally land on one I love!
DeleteCheers! Happy holidays and happy trails.