Have y'all seen the new sneak peeks at the Andalusian horse? O M G I'm so on-board with this. The Andalusian model did NOT age well. I remember buying several, being in love with them. If I knew then what I know now... I'd have a LOT more star coins! I don't think I would have bought any of the old model horses if I had known they'd improve them. So much money wasted 😢 This video shows the new Andalusian in the colors it will come out with, in action (all animations): (not my video) This image shows several of the new colors and the new braided hairstyles! *SWOON* This👏dapple👏is👏going👏to👏 be👏 mine... when I have money. (found on SSO's insta) They're all sooo pretty! If I wasn't such a sucker for dapple greys, I'd have a really hard time deciding between it, the white (light grey), and the black one. They're absolutely majestic! I wish I had more money 😢 If y'all feel like being generous, I'm...
Veronika Starstorm's musings and helpful pointers on the world of Star Stable Online