Jorvik Wild Horses, along with Gary Goldtooth, are back and bigger and better than ever! From the Star Stable website : How awesome are they?!!?! Just as with the ones last year, these magically transform when you get into a magic, natural area. This is the green version, which is quite pretty as well. The text in the purchase menu reads: " Around Jorvik's less accessible spots, herds of free-roaming Jorvik Wild Horses can be found. This breed is thought to be particularly special owing to the vibrant colours and patterns on the horses' body and hair. Colours such as blue, red, green, purple and orange aren't unusual, and even the horses' eyes can be unusually coloured in violet, red or clear blue. The horse is believed to have emerged in symbiosis with the Pandoric energy flows, which is said to explain their unique colourings. Many also believe the horses to have certain magical abilities. Jorvik Wild Horses are usually a little shorter...
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